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Role of artificial intelligence in industry 5.0

  T he fourth industrial revolution didn't even become a word until 2011, whereas the previous three took hundreds of years to replace. We saw the rise of digitalization, driven by innovations in IoT, cognitive computing, and the fusion of AI and Big Data, and we developed conceptual frameworks to use this technology. Industry 5.0, which fully integrates the human element into business and intelligent systems, is bound to succeed in Industry 4.0, which is characterized by technical decentralization and interconnectedness at full speed. When humans and robots work together, business executives' critical and cognitive talents will be combined with the potential accuracy of complete automation. Automation and efficiency, the two major pillars of Industry 4.0, are enhanced by Industry 5.0 with a human touch. It alludes to human collaboration with robotics, intelligent machinery, and technology. Then we will have to see how we are going to manage and how we are going to enhance...

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